There are many days where I just need something to keep my toddler busy for fifteen minutes, but I don’t HAVE fifteen minutes to set things up. This is when I turn to water play.
The best part is that those fifteen minutes often turn into half an hour of focused play 🙂
What Is So Great About Water Play?
Water play is the perfect no-setup, indoor activity for us.
Well, my toddler loves water and hates baths. I say “bath,” and my toddler runs away screaming.
I say “water table” and she comes running back.
We don’t have an actual water table because I discovered that I can just use a couple plastic bins and that is just as entertaining.
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I usually pull out the “water table”when I’m feeling lazy and don’t have the energy to set up some elaborate activity that’s really more fun for me than Ella anyway.
Our water table is not a real water table. It’s not fancy, by any means! I simply used a laminate side table (LACK from IKEA!! So cheap and so awesome!) and two large, rectangular plastic food containers filled with about a cup of water each.
Using a laminate side table that can get wet is a huge plus when you’re letting toddlers play with water.
Making Water Play into an Indoor Activity
I set it next to the couch (so I can chill with my coffee while still being a good parent of course!) and put a towel down under the bins and under the table.
Then I just toss a sponge on the table with a handful of plastic toys and say, “Ella! Water table time!” She drops whatever forbidden item she is currently holding and runs over gleefully.
She would play with the toys and water for hours if I let her.
So many squeals and giggles. So much splashing.
Any toy that can get wet is fair game for this type of activity. We’ve used blocks, cars, balls, and bath toys.
I’ve even turned this activity into an opportunity to teach my kid the ABCs.
Keeping Your Floor Dry During Water Play
I see you’re concerned about things like wet carpets and water-damaged wood floors. It’s not really a big deal. Just do these things:
- Don’t fill the bin up all the way. All you need is about half an inch of water. That way when the water ends up on the floor (and the water WILL end up on the floor), you’ll only need one bath towel to clean it up.
- Put a giant tarp or shower curtain down under the water table.
- Spread a bath towel on the table under the bins of water.
- Cut sponges in half or smaller so kids can’t squeeze out tons of water onto the floor.
More Ways to Play With Water
Here are a few variations that have also worked for us. Try them one at a time or in combination!
- Add a few drops of food coloring to the water.
- Swap the sponges for paintbrushes.
- Swap sponges for a turkey baster or little droppers.
- Add shaving cream.
- Add funnels and sieves.
- Add bubble bath or dish soap to make bubbles.
- Add some sand or water beads for a fun sensory experience.
Now that I’ve given you a half hour to Pinterest, do me a favor and pin this activity.