The first word I taught my oldest to read was her name. I think kids’ names hold so much meaning for them that they’re more likely to learn it than any other word.
Plus it makes them so happy when they can recognize their name written outside of the home, like at daycare, preschool, or the doctor’s office!
How to Do the Rock Name Building Activity
Rock Name Building was inspired by our last post on letter matching with rocks.
Simply write the letters of your child’s name on several rocks with permanent marker and place in a bowl.

Then write your child’s name on a sheet of paper.
I chose to outline the rocks as well, but you don’t have to. Just space out the letters so that there’s room for all the rocks.
Such an easy little activity. But one that can hold so much meaning for young learners.

Your Turn for Rock Name Building
My daughter loves collecting rocks, and I have to admit… I do, too.
I still have a ton of rocks I’ve collected from my childhood, and I’m glad they’re getting put to good use now.
If you don’t have rocks, go on a quick trip to a nearby river. Dig around in the backyard. Or if you’re lucky enough, look for rocks at the beach.
The process of collecting rocks is another great little activity to entertain and bond with your toddler or preschooler.
You could absolutely do this with wooden blocks or even alphabet magnets, if you want. But rocks are really fun use too!
When you’re done with this activity, toss your rocks in the sensory bin, like we did when we made our rock quarry sensory bin.