When baby wakes at 3 AM for the 18,675th night in a row (approximately…), you need to be on autopilot, getting the job done and back to bed ASAP.

Although new parents are in a dream-like haze about 99.9% of the time due to lack of sleep, the middle of the night hours are when that haze turns into a thick, black smog.
Why not make those midnight times in the nursery go by as quickly and efficiently as possible?
Then you can both get back to this…

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7 Things to Help Parents Get More Sleep
Here are 7 essentials for those midnight feedings, diaper changes, and those other DEFCON 5 baby situations.
Glow-in-the-Dark Pacifier
Why You Need It: Find that paci ASAP when the lights are off and need to stay off!
It’s the next best thing for finding lost pacifiers besides using a GPS tracker.
The glow is soft, as to not wake baby, and comes from the button on top of the pacifier, not the nipple (so you can still see it if baby’s using it…).
Tip: You’ll need to make sure you expose the pacifier to light if you want it to glow through the night.
Magnetic Closure Footie Pajamas
Why You Need It: What sleep-deprived human wants to fumble with 15 snaps in dim lighting?
This ingenious footie has magnetic fasteners that will practically close themselves!
Magnificent Baby has an entire line of magnetic baby clothing and accessories, including magnetic mittens and magnetic sleep sacks.
Zen Swaddle

Why You Need It: Not just any swaddle, the Zen Swaddle from Nested Bean is gently weighted to mimic the feel of mom and dad’s arms. I’ll let Manasi Gangan, founder of the Nested Bean, explain how it works.
The Zen Swaddle can help babies fall asleep faster and sleep longer on their own, which in turn will help YOU catch a few more zzzz's yourself! It's also super easy to swaddle baby thanks to the Velcro wings so you won't have to fumble with crazy folding techniques in the middle of the night.
Rest assured, the Zen Swaddle is perfectly safe for babies over 7 lbs and even for babies who roll over. The Nested Bean carries a whole line of Zen swaddles, sleep sacks, and even sleepwear!
Light-Up Sound Machine
Why You Need It: Studies show that white noise helps babies fall asleep faster. This affordable sound machine with nightlight plays white noise, heartbeat and waves sounds, and three different lullabies.
Our youngest would not fall asleep to any other noise besides the heartbeat, while our oldest hated the heartbeat! It's nice to have six different options, including white noise.
I use the nightlight for diaper changes and feedings because using the overhead lights would be too bright for me and baby at night.
This sound machine can also be found as a giraffe or bear.
Video Baby Monitor
Why You Need It: Babies make a lot of noises, and it can be tough to determine which noises mean they're re-settling back to sleep and which ones mean they lost their glow-in-the-dark pacifier!
This monitor has an "eco" feature, which means the monitor goes to sleep and lights up when baby makes noise. I love this for times when I want to know if baby cries, but I don't want others in the room to be disturbed by the noise.
I also like having a dedicated monitor vs. those wi-fi ones because 1) no creepy hackers can talk to my baby and 2) my phone's not tied down to one app!
Get this one if you're in the market. It has temperature monitoring, clear night vision, multi-camera capabilities, and is very affordable for a video monitor!
One-Second-Fold Rocking Bassinet
Why You Need It: Newborns feed A LOT! Our nursery is on the other side of the house, and I found it easier to keep my babies next to my bed for quick grab-and-feeds in the middle of the night.
I love this bassinet because 1) it rocks... literally! and 2) you can fold it up with one hand!
Our play yard is too big to fit through doorways, so I always end up having baby docking stations set up all over the house.
This bassinet with its one-hand easy fold system would have saved me a lot of time and space in the early days!
My second pick would be the Fisher-Price Auto Rock 'n Play Sleeper. It doesn't fold up with one hand, but there is a huge, easy-to-press button to press so you can pack it up. Plus, the reclining tilt can help babies with reflux keep their milk down.
Rocking Recliner with USB Port
Why You Need It: The rocking chair/glider is where all the one-on-one action happens: feeding, soothing, sleeping, entertaining, snuggling, reading...
Being a mom or dad is a lot of work, and you deserve a comfy spot to feed and rock your new baby!
This stylish rocker reclines and has little wings for you to rest your head, which is perfect for long nights with a fussy baby.
I love that one arm has a USB charging port (wooo!!!) and control panel for reclining the chair.
Other Tips to Get Yourself Back to Bed Sooner
- Use diapers in a size up for nighttime. Baby could be waking because he's bothered by wet diapers!
- Keep lights as dim as possible and nighttime visits as boring as possible. You want baby to understand that nighttime is for sleeping and not for playing!
- Have formula measured out before you go to bed and keep a crockpot of hot water ready to warm up your bottle at any time during the night.
- Do a quick pre-bedtime scan of diaper changing supplies and replenish them right away so you won't need to fumble with a new box of diapers at 1 in the morning.
- Next to your feeding spot, keep a nightstand stocked with burp cloths, water bottles, snacks, and anything else you might need for midnight feedings.
What are your favorite baby products to have on hand in the night?

P.S. Have you started a baby registry with Amazon? It's so easy to make your list and share with friends and family.
Most people already shop on Amazon, so they'll be more likely to want to shop your list instead of picking up a random onesie the day of your baby shower 😛
I made a registry on Amazon for my second baby, even though I didn't need much, and I got a great box full of GOOD stuff!
Check it out below.