The set up for this gross motor activity couldn’t be easier and can be done indoors!

I mean, it’s literally just a line of tape.
We used colored masking tape to make a line.
Masking tape peels off the floor (and walls, and almost any other hard surface!) easily and has not damaged our wood floors.
To be safe, pre-test your tape in an inconspicuous spot on your floor. Leave it for a day or two before trying to peel it off to check for damage.
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The types of tape we’ve used on the floor are:
Ways to Get moving with a Tape Line
Watch this video to see what we did with our tape line, or read on for a description of each move.
Balance Beam
Try to walk in a straight line on the tape without falling down.
Side Shuffle
Turn sideways and shuffle your feet to get across the line.
Side-to-Side HOps
Jump with both feet together from one side of the tape to the other side.
One-Legged Hops
Hop on one leg… then the other! Now, no legs. Wait, what am I saying?
Penguin Waddle
Straddle the tape with one foot on either side and waddle back and forth like a penguin.
Bear Crawl
Place your feet on either side of the tape line, put your hands on the floor, and crawl forward on your hands and feet.
Froggy Hops
Leap like a frog along the tape line.

We later used the tape line to make a number line. I wrote numbers on the tape and Elena (age 3) matched the numbers to the numbers on the fish from this magnetic fishing activity we recently did.
Will You Try Jumping on a Tape Line?
The girls (ages 3 and 21 months) both enjoyed this activity, and it was something they could do together without fighting. Mostly
This list of ways to move on a line of tape is by no means exhaustive. It’s just a little something to get you started.
For instance, I didn’t cover every animal move we know, just the penguin, bear, and frog.
Do you have any ideas to add? Leave a comment below!