Whether you call it pop, soda, coke, or something else, here’s a simple toddler craft using the tabs on top of recycled pop cans.

My toddler loves making jewelry. We’ve done cereal necklaces and dyed pasta bracelets, but this was our first time using soda can tabs.
Over the holidays, we drank so much soda. I rescued the tabs off these cans to use for this project.
Truthfully, these were all tabs from the cans currently in our recycling bin!
How to Do This Pop Tab Bracelet Craft
You’ll need the following supplies:
- recycled soda pop tabs
- paint
- cotton swabs or paintbrush
- pipe cleaners or string
To set this all up, I dipped a cotton swab in four different colors of paint and put them all on a paper plate. Elena (age 3) used the swabs to paint pop tabs.

Once they were completely dry, Elena strung the painted soda can tabs on a pipe cleaner.
Pipe cleaners are easier to use, in my opinion, because unlike string, they are stiff and sturdy. To make it easier for kids to thread on string, you can wrap one end with tape so it kind of acts like a needle.

Once all the pop tabs are on, twist the ends together and cut off any excess pipe cleaner.
Then this bracelet is ready to wear!

What We’re Learning
This craft is all about using small motor muscles and practicing muscle control. Picking up small objects, painting, and threading all help kids with fine motor development.
Why is fine motor development so important? We use our small muscles every day to pick up objects, hold a fork, write, twist doorknobs, tie our shoes, and more. Kids will need these life skills and strong small motor muscles play a starring role in all of these tasks.
We also attempted to pattern the colors (red, green, blue pink) but SOMEONE lost track halfway in, and we lost the pattern. Maybe next time.
Your Turn to Try This Pop Tab Bracelet Craft
Next time you need a quick way to entertain your toddler and help their fine motor development, try this simple recycled pop tab bracelet craft.
Let me know how it goes in the comments below!