Butter slime, butter slime,
We make it all the time,
It’s fragrant and squishy,
And not the least bit fishy,
I wrote this little rhyme
Because I love you, butter slime.
Didn’t know I could rhyme, did ya.
Don’t worry, there are no more rhymes in this post… but I can’t promise I’ll never rhyme again, mwahahahaha.
Raise your hand if you’re still reading this.
Thank you.
So what were we going to talk about today? Oh right, making colored butter slime.
I suppose you just want to get right to it. No more rhyming or polls or absent-minded commentary.
OK, your wish is my command.
How to Make Colored Butter Slime
You’ll need:
- cornstarch
- hair conditioner
- food coloring
- a tiny splash of water
Mix several drops of food coloring with a tiny splash of water. Then mix half a cup of hair conditioner with the water until it’s nicely colored.
(Adding liquid food coloring directly to hair conditioner made weird little food coloring dots that wouldn’t disappear no matter how much we stirred it. This is why I diluted the color with a little water before mixing with hair conditioner.)
Measure 1 and 1/4 cups of cornstarch, add to the colored conditioner, and mix well. You might have to knead it a bit to bring it all together. Add more cornstarch if it’s too sticky.
Here’s the original butter slime activity we did.
Butter Slime IN Nature Play
As you may have guessed from my horrific poem up top, we make and play with butter slime A LOT.
From the very first time we tried it, we were hooked.
It’s hard not to when it’s so easy to make and smells so great. Plus I almost always have extra cornstarch and conditioner lying around the house.
Last time we made butter slime, we added sand to it and used magnet letters to work on letter recognition.
This time, I saved leaves and petals from a bouquet that was about to be tossed out and set up this nature play invitation.
I let Ella pick the color for the slime, and she chose yellow. We only put a couple drops of food coloring in it and it turned out to be a nice buttery yellow.
I set the yellow butter slime out on our giant baking sheet with the flower petals and leaves all around it.

I gave her no instructions, just let her play. Then I settled in with my hot cup of coffee and just chilled for half an hour.
OK, only partially true. I spent most of that half hour taking pictures and making a batch of blue butter slime by myself because the yellow just didn’t photograph all that great.
Meanwhile, the kid was making pies and cookies and decorating them with leaves and flower petals.

All in all, this was a pretty successful play time.
We used flower petals and leaves as add-ins for our butter slime, but you could use whatever you have instead.
Buttons, glitter, grass, pinecones, magnet letters, plastic animals… you name it.
I would also recommend adding sand. It’s pretty fun how it makes the slime gritty and smooth at the same time. Just be aware that the slime will dry out much quicker with sand.
Colored Butter Slime
- 1/2 cup hair conditioner
- 1 1/4 cups cornstarch
- 1 tsp water
- food coloring
- In a bowl, mix several drops of food coloring with water.
- Add the rest of the ingredients and stir until it all comes together.
- Add more cornstarch if the slime is too sticky.