We’ve been on a diet the last six weeks, and let me tell you, we. were. miserable.
No sugar, no fruit, very limited carbs, and tons and tons of leafy greens and meat.
So much meat.
Out of desperation, I tried chia pudding to keep myself from tearing my eyeballs out and help me survive the next five weeks with no dessert. 😱
However, chia pudding is not exactly tasty.
If you love it, maybe you can share your recipe with me, because mine did not turn out great.
Maybe it was the cashew milk. Maybe it was the monkfruit sweetener. Or maybe it WAS the chia seeds.
Who knows.
All that to say, we now have a surplus of chia seeds.
And what better way to use up that surplus than by making slime.

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How to Make Totally Edible, But Not Very Tasty Galaxy Chia Slime
Gather the supplies.
- chia seeds (ch-ch-ch-chia)
- water
- food coloring
- cornstarch
- glitter (optional as it will make this pudding non-taste-safe)
- big glass bowl
I’m sorry to say that this slime requires a little forethought. You have to turn your chia seeds into pudding before you can turn the chia seed pudding into slime.
1. Make Chia Seed Pudding
To do that, simply mix 1/4 cup of chia seeds with a cup and a half (give or take) of water. If you want colored slime (and trust me, you do) then dye the water before adding it to the seeds.

Mix and set aside overnight. I put mine in the fridge because that’s just how you make chia seed pudding. But I realized since we weren’t actually consuming this pudding, I probably could’ve just left it out. So leave it on your countertop, or stick it in the fridge, it’s up to you.
Check the chia seeds in the morning or after a few hours and give it a good stir if the seeds aren’t all completely submerged in the water. The mixture should be somewhat pudding-like at this point.
Give it a little more time if you think it’s not very pudding-like.

2. Add Glitter.
We added glitter to ours to make it a galaxy chia slime. I used non-edible glitter because I didn’t really anticipate kids eating it. If you want to keep it edible, or “taste-safe,” skip the glitter.
You’ll want to add a lot of glitter to make it stand out.
3. Add cornstarch.
I never add enough cornstarch at the beginning and my toddler gets her hands in the sticky slime before it’s *really* ready.
Don’t be like me.
Tell them to keep their grubby paws OFF the slime until you’re done mixing.
Add 4 cups of cornstarch to the chia seed pudding a cup at a time. Mix, mix, mix, until you can’t mix no more.

4. Play.
This galaxy chia slime is the weirdest and coolest substance I’ve ever played with. It’s like a cross between goop/oobleck (which is just cornstarch + water) and the edible pudding slime we made last week.
Tap the slime hard and fast and it will feel solid.
Press slow and the slime behaves like a liquid.

Is This a Messy Activity?
Yes, my friend. Yes, it is.
I will say that older kids (and grown-ups) might be able to play with it without truly getting messy. The slime kind of sticks to itself and is easy to get off if you rub it off fast (making it feel “solid” as explained above). BUT my husband, Ben, struggled to keep his hands clean as he played with it.
Maybe it’s a mom thing.
Moms are just better at keeping clean. 💁🏻♀️
Feel free to quote that.
Elena, the toddler, hates being messy. She kept wanting to wash her hands and didn’t dry them very well, so needless to say, the slime kept sticking to her hands and perpetuating the messy hands.
She still had fun. Though afterward, she requested we make “the glitter slime that’s not sticky” (aka traditional glitter glue slime as seen here).
On the upside, this version of colored chia pudding slime did not stain our hands. They may have been goopy, but they were NOT stained!

Might be a tad too messy for toddlers, but it’s such an incredible slime to play with.
I say, do it at least once in your life.
Prepare to be messy and just have fun with it.
No regerts.
Your Turn to Make Galaxy Chia Slime
As always, here’s a printable activity recipe for galaxy chia slime.
Galaxy Chia Slime
- 1/4 cup dry chia seeds
- 1 1/2 cups water
- food coloring
- 4 cups cornstarch
- glitter
- Combine chia seeds, water, and food coloring in a bowl. Stir well so all the chia seeds are completely wet.
- Let mixture set overnight or for at least 3 hours until it has a pudding-like consistency.
- Add as much glitter to the chia seed pudding as you want.
- Gradually mix 4 cups of cornstarch into the chia seed pudding.
- Play with the chia slime.