If you haven’t made butter slime before, what are you waiting for!? Using just 2 ordinary household ingredients, you can quickly turn a boring day at home, into an exciting activity!
Some days, you just need that quick, easy activity that will captivate your whiny, bored toddler and help you put off screen time for another hour or two.
Why Kids Love Butter Slime
It’s no secret that toddlers (and older kids!) LOVE slime. (I think Nickelodeon proved that.) But don’t worry, this recipe is MUCH less messy than what you saw on tv in the 90s.
It’s squishy.
It’s slimy.
It’s a sensory overload! But in the good kind of way.
I get that you need to keep your kids busy because you feel stressed about all the stuff you need to get done today. That’s why my mission is to…
1. Find fun, quality kids’ activities and show you step by step how to do them.
2. Save you time and energy by using supplies from around the house or show you where to easily get them.
3. Inspire you to be creative and play with your kids in new and exciting ways.
What is butter slime?
What is butter slime, you ask? Well, there are so many variations under this name that it’s kind of hard to say for sure.
Some call it fairy dough, others call it butter slime. Whatever it is, it is softer than a baby’s bottom, silky smooth, buttery-feeling, and fluffy.
First off, there is no actual butter in any of the butter slime recipes that I’ve seen. ‘Cause that would be gross.
To me, butter slime is a type of slime that is soft, fluffy, silky, and smooth. Many recipes I’ve seen has clay mixed in, but I think that is unnecessary. This butter slime recipe is perfect without the clay.
The great thing about butter slime is that it is relatively mess-free compared to other slimes.
And there is zero cooking involved.
Have I sold you on this slime recipe yet? Read on!
The RECIPE: Butter Slime with Just 2 Ingredients
To make it, we mixed half a cup of hair conditioner with 1.5 cups of cornstarch, and kneaded it together.
That’s all you need to do! Whiny, bored toddler crisis averted. Mom wins!
You could totally use a nice-smelling baby lotion too, and it will have the same texture. I’ve just been trying to use up this cheap conditioner, so that’s why I did it this way.
We also added silver glitter because Ella has been obsessed with sparkly things, and silver was the only color I had.

I kneaded the crumbly dough a bit to get it to all come smoothly together.
This butter slime has a different texture than traditional slime or play dough.
It has that slippery, silky feeling from the cornstarch, and you can really feel the moisture from the conditioner, but your hands aren’t wet.
It’s kind of a cross between slime and play dough, in that it’s much squishier than play dough, yet more solid than slime.
Plus, it smells great and you can make it in under a minute!
Ella loved playing with this stuff, and I’m sure your toddler will love it, too.
How We Played with Our Butter Slime
I added a handful of colored popsicle sticks and some sequins to see what she would do with it.
First, she just stuck the sticks haphazardly into a blob of butter slime.

Then, she announced, “I’m making cakes now,” and flattened the butter slime and stuck the sequins all over it.

And stuck popsicle sticks in like candles, sang Happy Birthday, and blew them out.

But she was most proud of this little guy. He didn’t hold together for very long, but he got a lot of love.

Imaginative Play with Butter Slime
As much as I love playing with Ella, I also love it when she plays on her own. Then, she gets to stretch her imagination and form her own ideas about play without looking to me for guidance.
I never would have suggested she make cakes with the butter slime, but without me in the way of her imaginative play, she came up with that on her own!
Your little one may not play with the butter slime in the same way as mine did, and that’s great!
Got a toddler who loves to lick ALL the things? Try one of these 15 edible, taste-safe slimes!
Your toddler is a free-thinker and a creative little person. The beauty of open-ended activities like this is that it can turn into independent play time giving you one of the few, coveted moments of peace you will probably get all day!
Your Turn to Make Butter Slime!
Butter Slime
- 1/2 cup hair conditioner or lotion
- 1 cup cornstarch
- glitter (optional)
Optional Mix-Ins for Play
- sequins
- craft sticks
- Mix the cornstarch, hair conditioner, and glitter together to form a soft dough. If it is too dry, add a tablespoon more conditioner. If it is too sticky, add a tablespoon of cornstarch.
- Set out fun mix-ins and play with the butter slime!
Avert your own whiny, bored toddler crisis by making this butter slime today!
Related: Colored Butter Slime