Every parent of a child in diapers wants to know: When should we start potty training?
Ice Cream Parlor Dramatic Play Activity
My toddler loves making ice cream. Not real ice cream. Someday maybe. Like when the weather is a little closer to 80° and not 30°. For now, we just make pretend ice cream. Anyway, she’ll ask me to draw ice cream cones. She’ll stack blocks and pretend it’s ice cream and ask me to lick … Read More about Ice Cream Parlor Dramatic Play Activity
11 Awesome Water Parks for Indiana Kids and Families
It’s that time of year again! The sun is shining and the temperature is rising. That’s why we’re looking for the best water parks to keep you and your kids splishin’ and splashin’ all summer long.
The 3 Best Methods for Potty Training Your Toddler
I looked over at my husband and said, “Do you hear that? The toilet just flushed.”
Community Helper & Vehicle Matching Game
We don’t do a lot of formal, classroom-type learning. This activity comes pretty close, though!
Water Play: The Ultimate Free, No-Setup, Indoor Activity
My toddler loves water and hates baths. I say “bath,” and my toddler runs away screaming. I say “water table” and she comes running back.