As the weather heats up, frozen treats are on everyone’s minds, including the three-year-old.
Kitchen Chemistry Concoctions for Curious Toddlers
I don’t know about you, but when I think of chemistry, I picture beakers, smoke, and explosions. So when my husband Ben asked me if I’d considered introducing our three-year-old to chemistry, I laughed.
Homemade Foamy Bath Paint
Painting intimidates me. I should rephrase that. Letting toddlers paint intimidates me.
3 Ways to Make Playtime Do Work for You
“Mommy, I need something.” “What do you need?” “I don’t know.” This conversation happens on a regular basis between me and my oldest daughter, three-year-old Ella. Why do our kids always “need something”? Haven’t they figured out that Mommy and Daddy have a million things on their to-do lists and that if those things don’t … Read More about 3 Ways to Make Playtime Do Work for You
Drive-In Letters: An Alphabet Matching Game
One of the ways we work on recognizing letter names is by playing games. Today’s alphabet game uses the following formula: Cars + dot stickers + letters = easy alphabet matching game Grab a few toy cars and a pack of dot stickers, and let’s get ready to play and learn. Set up an Alphabet … Read More about Drive-In Letters: An Alphabet Matching Game
5 Easy Peasy Sensory Play Ideas for Babies
How hard is it to entertain a baby? Sometimes, it’s downright impossible! Our nine-month-old is usually content to play on her own, but some days, she wants nothing to do with her toys, her sister, and it’s still an hour before naptime!