Our three-year-old, Elena, came home from preschool with a treat bag full of goodies like stickers, candy, and little Halloween toys. I love how excited kids get over the littlest things like a stretchy skeleton or a spider ring. But what do you do with those things once the excitement wears off? You make a … Read More about Halloween Fine Motor Sensory Bin
20 Best Stocking Stuffers for Babies
Whether you’re starting a new tradition or keeping up with an old one, this list of stocking stuffer ideas for babies will help you make this your most memorable Christmas yet.
Pom Pom Fill-and-Shake Bottle
Make fine motor practice easy and fun with a pom pom fill-and-shake bottle!
How to Make Silly Snakes and Bugs
These silly painted rock snakes and bugs are a simple craft for kids to make in a single afternoon.
Pom Pom Whisk and Soup
Help your kids play independently with a fine motor pom pom and whisk activity and also see how to extend the rescue activity with dramatic play!
Build-a-Bird Play Dough Turkeys
The turkey is the star of Thanksgving, and these fine motor playdough turkeys are a fun way to keep the kids entertained this holiday season. Now, I know that my playdough turkey doesn’t look anything like the real thing. But the goal of this playdough activity isn’t realism, it’s entertainment! We want our turkeys to … Read More about Build-a-Bird Play Dough Turkeys