Does anyone else have a toddler who enjoys taking all the spices out of the cabinet and wandering around the kitchen with them?
Do you find spice jars under the couch and tucked away behind pillows?
OK, maybe your toddler doesn’t specifically do this with spice jars, but maybe it’s something else?
Take their interest in pulling everything out of the cupboards and have them line it all up instead.
You’ll be keeping them occupied with little to no effort, and hopefully, all that walking back and forth will wear them out a little faster!
How to Set Up the Spice Jar Line Up
Tape a line on the ground a little ways away from where your spices are. We used glitter washi tape because we’re awesome like that.
The older the toddler, the farther away you want the tape line to be. Don’t worry, exercise is good for them.
Get the kids started by showing them how you (gently!) take a spice jar out of the cabinet, walk (slowly! to the tape line, and (carefully!) put the jar on top of the tape.
They should be able to take it from there.
And you’ll probably want to hide the glass jars for this activity.
No Spices, No Problem
Being the genius that you are, you’ve probably already figured out that you don’t have to use spice jars for this activity.
In fact, if your toddler hasn’t discovered all the magical things you keep hidden away in your endlessly fascinating kitchen cupboards, DON’T tell them about it!
My youngest (16 months) happens to love our spice cabinet, so this activity was my way of channeling her interests in way that helps me keep an eye on where all those spice jars are going.
Instead of spices, try this with:
- canned or boxed food
- blocks
- toy cars
- cups
You get the picture. Honestly, anything you have en masse that would be interesting to a toddler.
Your Turn to Do a Spice Jar Line Up
Grab a roll of washi tape and a toddler and get them to line up those spice jars!